How It Works
Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to treat a long list of conditions and disharmonies in the body. It is a safe and effective medicine that has helped improved the quality of life for many people for many centuries.
Sterile, hair-thin, and disposable needles are gently and superficially tapped into acupuncture points on the body. Patients will feel a slight tap, similar to a fingernail tapping on the skin. Once the needles are placed in the skin, patients lie still and are encouraged to take a rest. Most patients fall asleep during treatment. As energy moves, patients often describe a warm or cool sensation moving throughout the body.
Portrait of a cheerful woman in acupuncture therapy in a Spa center
The acupuncturist will take a lengthy and comprehensive health history from the patient. Next, the practitioner will use pulse taking techniques and a visual examination of the tongue. In Acupuncture, pulse taking is very different than in Western Medicine. For example, in acupuncture there are a total of 12 pulses in the body, each correlating to an organ or meridian. When the pulse is taken, the acupuncturist looks for excess or deficiencies in the pulses. They look for speed and depth of the pulse. Once that is determined, the practitioner will look at the tongue. Is there a coating on the tongue? Is it dry or moist? What color is the tongue? All of this information is used come up with a treatment plan and an acupuncture point prescription.
Acupuncture uses disposable, sterile, hair-thin needles. Before needles are inserted into the skin, the area is wiped with alcohol to cleanse the skin.
Acupuncture does not hurt. You will experience a tap once the needle is tapped into the skin. Sometimes patients will experience a wave or relaxation over the body. Sometimes when Qi moves warmth or coolness can be felt through the meridians and other areas of the body. Most patients report a sense of relaxation and often fall asleep during treatment.
In Chinese medicine, there are 12 pulses in the wrists, 6 located on each wrist. These pulses correlate to organs/meridians in the body. By taking the pulse it can provide the acupuncturist with valuable diagnostic information that will help create the ideal point prescription for treatment.
The tongue is a basic map of what is going on inside the body. Each area of the tongue represents an organ/meridian system of the body. For example, the acupuncturist will be looking at if there’s a coating on the tongue, it’s color, and shape.
It depends on the condition being treated and whether it’s a chronic or an acute condition. Each treatment builds upon the next. Usually, patients come in once a week for four weeks and then reevaluate. Of course, this depends on the condition being treated.
Relax. This is not going to hurt you.
Wear comfortable, loose clothing
Have something in your stomach (snack) before treatment
After treatment, try and avoid stressful situations and rigorous activity